Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dream #424 (November 8, 2011)

This was slightly odd.

I started out the dream driving an old red car into Bethel College.  There were tons of people there, and they were clogging up the streets; I had a tough time avoiding them.

I was moving along at about 2 miles an hour when I saw Adam Pflugshaupt and Matt Boyle (two former classmates of mine from Oregon-Davis).  When I saw them, I waved for them to come over to me, which they did.  Adam was drinking a huge red Slurpee.

I asked them how they were doing, and they answered me in Spanish.  I understood some of it, but I'm not fluent, so I wasn't exactly sure what they were telling me.  I asked them to hop in the car so we could hang out.  They did as I asked.

I was about to leave, when my brother called me and told me to pick him up from his classroom on my way out.  I drove by it, parked, ran up several stories to his room, told him that I had arrived, and he followed me down to the car and sat in the back with Matt (Adam was in the passenger seat).  We then drove away from Bethel.

We went down a long road, which eventually led into a desert.  Interestingly enough, Prairie Camp's retreat center and David and Carrie Badertscher's old house (which was located at Prairie Camp) were both there in the desert.  I parked the car there, and we all walked into the retreat center, into separate rooms, and used the bathroom.

When we were finished, we walked back out to the car, pulled a tent out of the trunk, and walked further into the desert.  When we got out there, we set up the tent.  Adam and Matt were still speaking only Spanish, and I was getting a bit frustrated with them, for I wanted to communicate with them, especially since I had not seen them for a long time.

After the tent was set up, the sky turned purple.  A hard rain began to fall, and lighting was striking all about us.  I looked up and saw Zeus throwing lighting bolts down to the earth.  Then several small tornadoes swept through where we were, and crazy things were flying about us (including cows, poles, trees, and businessmen).  My brother ran up to me and began shouting.  Then I saw Ben (the new camp director) running toward us shouting.

Then I awoke.

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