Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dream #424 (November 8, 2011)

This was slightly odd.

I started out the dream driving an old red car into Bethel College.  There were tons of people there, and they were clogging up the streets; I had a tough time avoiding them.

I was moving along at about 2 miles an hour when I saw Adam Pflugshaupt and Matt Boyle (two former classmates of mine from Oregon-Davis).  When I saw them, I waved for them to come over to me, which they did.  Adam was drinking a huge red Slurpee.

I asked them how they were doing, and they answered me in Spanish.  I understood some of it, but I'm not fluent, so I wasn't exactly sure what they were telling me.  I asked them to hop in the car so we could hang out.  They did as I asked.

I was about to leave, when my brother called me and told me to pick him up from his classroom on my way out.  I drove by it, parked, ran up several stories to his room, told him that I had arrived, and he followed me down to the car and sat in the back with Matt (Adam was in the passenger seat).  We then drove away from Bethel.

We went down a long road, which eventually led into a desert.  Interestingly enough, Prairie Camp's retreat center and David and Carrie Badertscher's old house (which was located at Prairie Camp) were both there in the desert.  I parked the car there, and we all walked into the retreat center, into separate rooms, and used the bathroom.

When we were finished, we walked back out to the car, pulled a tent out of the trunk, and walked further into the desert.  When we got out there, we set up the tent.  Adam and Matt were still speaking only Spanish, and I was getting a bit frustrated with them, for I wanted to communicate with them, especially since I had not seen them for a long time.

After the tent was set up, the sky turned purple.  A hard rain began to fall, and lighting was striking all about us.  I looked up and saw Zeus throwing lighting bolts down to the earth.  Then several small tornadoes swept through where we were, and crazy things were flying about us (including cows, poles, trees, and businessmen).  My brother ran up to me and began shouting.  Then I saw Ben (the new camp director) running toward us shouting.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dream #423 (November 6, 2011)

This is brief, yet crazy.

I was at the top of a great dune with my former neighbor Morgan Ferch.  Her brother Nathan, who was in my class, was down a bit from us, encouraging us to leap down this enormous dune.  Even though he sounded excited about it, he was too afraid to join us.

I looked at Morgan and asked her if she was going to do it.  She said she would if I did.  (For some reason, knowing that somebody else will join you in a crazy stunt always makes it easier to do.)  I yelled down to Nathan, "I'm glad you were my neighbor.  We had some good times."  I then turned to Morgan and said, "The same to you."  Then I turned to the edge of the dune and began to run.  Morgan followed me.

I leapt off of the cliff and had several seconds of air time.  When I hit the sand, I began running uncontrollably at a very high speed down the dune.  I was terrified.  I looked back to Morgan, who managed to control her speed much better than I.

Then I looked back down to the great body of water in front of me, and it drew closer and closer, until it was upon me.  I was moving so fast that I shot straight into the water.  I uncontrollably sprinted, through the water, into a black rock.  My face was destroyed.  I fell back into the water and could not get up on my own.

Moments later, I was saved from drowning when Morgan pulled me up out of the water and laid me on the shore.  She looked distressed, and I knew that my face was probably messed up quite a bit.  Then I heard her call for Nathan, who said that he would be down soon.

I passed out.

A bit later I awoke.  Morgan and Nathan were both still there, but my parents were there as well.  My dad came up to me and showed me that his left arm had been bitten off by a shark.  It was still bleeding!  He seemed very calmed, and even amused by his wound, but I was scared.  I was still partially in the water, so I ran my hurting body out of the water and onto the shore.  Morgan held a mirror up to my face and, to my surprise, I merely had a bloody nose.  I still was in a lot of pain, but at least I wasn't permanently damaged.

Then I flashed forward in time.  I was with my dad in a hospital.  He awoke from surgery and removed a blue bandage from his arm.  He then proceeded to show me how the doctor's had put his hand where his bicep used to be.  It was grotesque.

Then I awoke.