Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dream #90 (January 13, 2010)

I'm sorry that this one is a little late, but this is the only time I've had access to a computer all day.

This dream was a little disturbing and, as usual, strange. It began inside of a dorm room, in which Kevin, three other guys, and I all lived. The room was quite messy at the time, with clothes strewn everywhere. There were only two beds, and the floor was covered with sleeping bags. The room was not very large, but when I was not paying attention to the walls, they seemed to spread out much wider than they were (that sounds weird, but that is how dreams are sometimes: boundaries are inconsistent).

Anyway, Kevin and I had a little scheme; we were going to rob a house of all its cash.

We first snuck out the window by sliding down freakishly long scarves (red, green, and brown in color) and running through the field of the campus amidst very tall grass. After running, we appeared in the middle of a city of one-story buildings. We snuck into one of the larger buildings and began scrounging around the place in search of cash. We were in luck, for we discovered over ten thousand dollars in small bills.

After we had gathered the money, we rolled it all up into an old green army blanket and threw it out the window. Next Kevin and I climbed out the chimney, onto the roof, and escaped down a drain pipe to pick up the money and head back to the dorm. Unfortunately, when we were almost all the way back, I realized that we had left a reclining chair and a couch behind at the house (I know this makes no sense whatsoever).

Then the feeling hit me. It was the worst feeling of guilt that I had ever experienced. It was the kind of feeling that one gets when that person discovers that the consequences of his/her actions are irreversible and life-altering (in a negative way). I knew that I would eventually end up in jail. I couldn't even enjoy the money we stole.

Suddenly, I jumped from that scenario into another. I was at my grandfather's house. It was the middle of the night and, though I still suffered from the strong feelings of guilt, I was almost in a completely different dream. My little brother was also with me, and we were going through all of our old action figures. We initially planned just to look at them to bring back memories, but we quickly fell into the strong temptation of actually playing with the toys. The only light in the room, by the way, came from two Christmas trees in the corner by a large window that looked into a black abyss.

I played with toys for the remainder of my dream.

Then I awoke.

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