Thursday, September 6, 2018

Dream #549 (September 6, 2018) - Game Board and City Basketball

This dream maybe doesn't justify returning to the dream blog after nearly a year of absence, but whatever.

I was on a flat earth that was a life-sized version of a board game, suspended in deep space.  The game board resembled a lightly wooded exterior, though it was apparent that the grass, rocks, paths, and trees were all laid on a totally flat surface.  The first space on the trail started right outside a glowing cave that didn't seem accessible by a creature of my size.

I began strolling down the path, collecting small stones and searching the area for little bonus items that I might be able to use.  As I walked, I could occasionally view myself from a birds-eye perspective, as a player of the game.  After the first bend in the trail, I came across a blank tombstone with some freshly dug earth and decided to dig.  As I was digging, I heard two voices chatting as they past me on the game path.  I didn't want to fall behind too early, so I decided to give up on the dig and return to heading down the trail.  I saw that the players that had passed me were Cat and Janelle.  I sprinted to catch up, and I met up with them at the edge of the game board, which looked out into space.

Near us was a small building that we all decided to enter.  It was a chapel lit only by candles.  As Cat and Janelle explored the altar, I sat in the back pew.  I couldn't shake the feeling that I had missed something in the grave I was digging up, and after a bit of resisting, I left the chapel and returned to the tombstone to continue digging.  It wasn't long before I found a red rock that seemed special.  Out of instinct, I returned to the beginning of the board where the cave was and saw that there was a hole in the cave entrance that was the same shape as my rock.

I walked up to the entrance and placed the rock in its special place, causing the door to open up.  As I did so, a bus pulled up beside the cave and loads of kids with backpacks got off and started walking down the trail away from me.  I entered the cave.

Lights dangled from the ceiling, swaying to a breeze that I could not feel.  I walked across a rope bridge that stretched several hundred feet.  Below me I could see signs of a civilization: tents, wagons, small shops, but no people.  I paused on the bridge, closed my eyes, then reopened them.  As I looked around, I saw hundreds of ghost-like people walking about.  They were not translucent, but their faces were eggshell white, as were their ragged clothes and accessories (walking sticks, necklaces, hats, etc.).

Then I awoke in the middle of the night.

I returned to sleep and dreamt that I was walking in a sprawling city.  The sky above me was such a thick fog that the buildings all disappeared into it, appearing to be endlessly tall.  All these buildings were brown.  I walked aimlessly for a while, then entered through the double glass doors of one of the buildings.  I realized that I was carrying a basket containing a jersey, shorts, a headband and basketball shoes.  I found a locker room and changed into the athletic gear, then made my way into a gymnasium.

I walked immediately onto the basketball court, shoes still untied, and began playing in what was an Indiana state tournament game for high school basketball.  Most of the team I played with in real life was there as well.  After a short while, we were victorious.

I left and wandered about the city with my basket of clothes, still wearing my jersey.  I entered another building and realized it was a church that resembled Koontz Lake Missionary Church (where I attended during grade school).  My Nord keyboard was setup onstage and I knew I was to play it.  Norm was leading the band on guitar, and my brother Mike was on the drums.  Some other people I didn't know were playing as well.  I joined in midway through a song.  I was playing pretty well, but for some reason I kept playing a high C note during the D chords, turning the chords into a D7, which wasn't appropriate for the song.  I knew it was wrong but kept playing it.

After a couple other songs, my old high school friend Alik came and chatted with me.  Apparently he was also on the basketball team and wanted to know when and where we were next going to play.  I didn't know the answer.

I left and again wandered the brown, roofless city.  I entered a burger joint and got in line.  There I found other basketball teammates, Nathan and Brandon, and we talked about the last game and the one upcoming.  We took our orders (the restaurant was famous for their green burgers). I saw a massive line forming behind us, so I bought an extra burger and fries in case another of our teammates walked in.  Not long after we sat down, I saw Brandon's brother Shawn enter the back of the line.  I wanted to let him know that I had already picked him up some food, but I couldn't get his attention.  The place had become so crowded that I couldn't even move over to him.  I tried yelling his name, but my calls did not reach him.

Then I awoke.

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