Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dream #512 (October 27, 2013) Battle for President

This was strange.

I dreamt that I was at an enormous assembly somewhere in the United States.  There were thousands upon thousands of people there for a conference held by the Missionary Church (a rather small denomination, primarily located in the Midwest).  In the dream the president of the Missionary Church (very loosely based on the real president, Steve Jones, though in the dream he was tall and buff) was a very corrupt man (not the case in real life) and had used his special spirit to control the spirits and the minds of the Missionary Church congregants.  All those subject to Steve's conjuration had black spots in their eyes.

I was at the conference just by chance.  I was in town and thought I would talk to a couple friend I knew were there.  When I showed up, several middle aged people gathered about me and talked about me as if I were not there.  They formed a circle about me and began to sing about me.  I finally escaped the circle of praise and asked a hoodie-wearing young man what it was all about, and they told me I was to be the next president of the Missionary Church.  I was to be the one to free them of Steve's corruption.

Initially I mocked those who praised me so, claiming that I knew very little of what a president should know.  However, they persisted, and eventually pity lead me to accept the calling.

The great session was about to begin, so the large stadium full of people grew quiet as the lights dimmed.  I stood in the back as Steve took the stage and shouted his lies from the pulpit.  Those who were brain/spiritwashed cheered and applauded at each of Steve's proclamations.  Finally, the rebels lifted me up and carried me to the stage.

I stood there, face-to-face with Steve.  He laughed at me as some of his servants (they all wore black and had long, black hair) placed a dark red, mechanical armor on his body.  They handed him an enormous sword, and he took an offensive stance.  A rebel from the crowd tossed up a large medieval axe and I grabbed it and took a swing at Steve.

A battle ensued.  I, to my surprise, was very quick and accurate with the axe, and I delivered several strong blows to Steve, though his armor seemed to absorb all the impact.  I, armor-less, managed to dodge each of his swings and stabs.  I was quite impressive.  Finally, I struck Steve on the face, but to my horror, he suffered no wounds.

The battle continued for quite some time, and with each minute I realized more and more that Steve possessed invincibility.  As I was about to give up and flee, Steve's right-hand man (a scary-lookin' fella wearing a long black robe and possessing a long, narrow nose) managed to whisper to me from across the room, stating that Steve had a magical orb in a black pouch attached to his belt.  I quickly managed to find this orb and cut it loose from Steve's waist.

A beautiful black and white sphere rolled across the ground.  I grabbed it just as Steve cut his sword across my stomach.  I suffered not a scratch!  It was only a matter of seconds before I had slain Steve and he was on the floor, lifeless.

The crowd was immediately freed from the spell, and they cheered and a celebration ensued.

As my first act as president, I gathered up a team of people, including my brother Mike, and prepared them to go to South America to help a few people in need there.

I thought that I had also scheduled a trip to South America just a couple days after my brother's flight, but I discovered that I accidentally committed to serving for three weeks on a submarine.  I thought that sounded miserable.

Then I awoke.

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