Monday, July 9, 2012

Dream #467 (July 9, 2012)

This got crazy by the end.

I dreamt that I was at the Forecastle Music Festival shooting video of the main stage concerts there.  Wilco was playing to start it off, and I was running all about trying to get interesting angles, and having great fun all the while.

After the concert was over, there was a bit of a break before My Morning Jacket was to take the stage, which gave me time to charge my batteries and build a sweet set in an underground studio.

I had a bunch of 8-12-year-old kids working for me, and they carried a bunch of plywood, paint, tools, LED lights, and 2x4's down into the studio.  We carried these things through a labyrinth of preschool classrooms before reaching our destination.  Then I began to direct them as they constructed a set of beautiful warm colors.  I then spent some time lighting it well, then emerged from the depths back to the main stage as MMJ began to play.

After their set was over, it was time to leave.  Apparently the set that was just built had to be torn down and packed up.  I gave those instructions to the kids, and they followed them thoroughly.

After loading everything into an enormous van, I drove it back to the great dormitory where we all lived.

The kids unloaded everything as I carried all the camera equipment back to my room, which I shared with a spy.  I was talking with this man, who was wearing a tuxedo, as I began to unpack.  He was in a the bedroom while I was in the living room.  Suddenly, our door flew open and a man with an afro and an assault rifle slowly walked into the room.  He cocked his head as he looked at me.

I informed the man that he had the wrong room and that I was the only one in there, but as I said so, my roommate emerged from concealment and, after an awkward pause, was shot at.  He dove back into the room as I fell to my knees.

My roommate was killed.  The man with the fro walked up to me and shot at my head.  He missed but I acted as if he had not, and he, somehow, believed me and left the room.

I quickly got up and tried to tend to my friend, but he was already dead.  I immediately began packing my things for I was now on the hit list as well, for I knew everything my spy roommate knew.

I stealthily tiptoed through the halls of the dorm, carrying a couple duffle bags with some essential travel items inside, along with a camera.

As I was about to exit, I ran into my first grade teacher, Mrs. Cole.  She looked at me as if she knew what was going on, then allowed me to rob her of the money she was carrying.  This took place in front of her first grade class, and they looked at me in terror.

Then I heard a noise behind me and saw a couple of the kids that had helped me build the set earlier in the dream.  They told me that they did not want me to flee alone, and that they would join me in my struggle.

Then, together, we entered into my van, and I drove off quickly.

Then I awoke.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Dream #466 (July 1, 2012) - The Wedding

Only in my dreams have I been married.

The setup was interesting.

I was running late.  I sprinted down the locker-clad hallway (while wearing a tuxedo) until I reached the classroom in which a wedding was supposed to transpire.  I opened the door to the narrowest possible opening through which I could slide.

My attempt at being inconspicuous was futile, for everyone in the room, contrary to what I had expected, was standing around the bride, who was crying.

Curiosity led me to walk, without hesitation, up to the bride-to-be.  I asked her what was bothering her, and she, through tears and occasional sobs, explained to me the story behind her sorrow.

Apparently there never was a fiance in this affair.  She had planned this wedding hoping that the groom would simply show up and marry her.  (Though it sounds foolish in the mindset of reality, in the dream I completely understood).  She stood at the altar and waited, but nobody came.

I knew what I had to do.

Immediately I knelt down before her and asked to be that groom fro whom she had waited.

She showed her agreement with a hug and a kiss on the forehead.  We were immediately wedded by the priest, who had been standing beside us all the while.  Her parents thanked me, and wished us well as we left that place.

While I walked with this woman, who had become my wife, I began to regret my decision.  My whole life had changed with absolutely no transition.  Was I ready for this marriage?  Would I even grow to love the woman with whom I had united?  I knew so little about her.  Furthermore, I was troubled by the absence of my family; none of my relatives or friends had attended the wedding, and not one of them had the chance to meet the bride and bless the relationship.

I asked out-loud if I had made a mistake.  She turned to me and comforted me by describing the benefits of having a partner through life.

After walking quite a distance, we entered a great mansion.  The interior of this magnificent structure was dressed only with scarlet furniture, draperies, and decor.

We entered a great bedroom and I discovered that several of my wedded (or soon to be wedded) friends were there.  I was glad, for I felt that I could connect with them on a higher level because of my newly acquired marital status.

After talking with my friends for several minutes, my wife led me off into our sect of the bedroom (divided from the rest of the room by long, red curtains hanging from the ceiling).  She smiled at me and told me that she was looking forward to our life together.

As I relaxed in the bed I closed my eyes and wondered if this was right.  Surely I could not get a divorce, for I had no solid reason for it, but, at the same time, I wasn't sure that I wanted to be married at all, no matter how great was the woman lying beside.  An argument took place in my head within the dream.

Then I awoke.  I never learned the woman's name.