Monday, May 19, 2014

Dream #522 (May 19, 2014) Pool Sermon

After a month of little sleep:

I was in a swimming pool and the water was cyan and not as transparent as water should be.  I dove down to the bottom, wearing my blue goggles that were only useful in keeping water out of my eyes since I could barely see anything underwater.  I felt around for the sinky baton (I'm not sure what those things are called) that some random pool person had thrown down for me to retrieve.  At last I found it (after being underwater for well over a minute).

When I came to the surface, I realized I could stay underwater as long as I wanted, for I had learned to absorb oxygen through the pores of my skin.  I immediately dove back down into the water and sat at the bottom of the pool for a long time, studying the shapes and alterations in light around and above me.

Finally, after a long and peaceful time alone, I decided to rejoin the pool party taking place above the surface.  When I came up, I discovered that my dad had gathered everyone together, including my cousins and a few old high school classmates, and was delivering a sermon from the diving board.  It was compelling, but most of the people chose to chat amongst themselves rather than listen.  It was difficult to hear my dad over the generic crowd noise, but I could hear him talk about how mankind was destroying the earth and how God didn't need to bring judgement upon us because we were bringing it upon ourselves.

After I heard this, Alik Hall (friend and former high school classmate) asked me if I still believed what I believed when I was younger (he was referring to belief in God).  I contemplated this question for a moment, then said I think I do.  I said that I feel as if I understand far less about who/what God is than ever before, but I also told him that I sense a rhythm to life that is far more complex than any man can comprehend.

After those words, I awoke.